Monday, March 21, 2011

Ramblings on Life

I haven’t done any sort of random rambling for a while now, so here goes.

The Tsunami in Japan - with all his brilliance and advances in technology, man is quick to forget one thing – his fate was, is and always will be at the hands of cosmic powers greater than he.

A smiling face and a sincere heart will diffuse everything.

The intelligence of people is inversely proportionate to their numbers. A single person is often smart and intelligent, capable of reason and logic. But a group of them somehow becomes a lump of stupidity devoid of sound judgement.

People are spurn into action (or inaction) always and ever for two reasons only – to avoid a loss, or to make a gain.

The world is full of naysayers. Always telling you can’t do this, you can’t do that.  Someone should tell them they can’t do that.

When someone says “Trust me…” …. You’re screwed.

A bitter truth about society - sometimes, being the best isn’t good enough. But if you ask me, being good is still the best.   

You never know who your true friends are until you start asking for help.

It feels good to be respected. But it feels even better to be loved.

In the world of business, there are no enemies. There are no friends. There are only – frienemies.

When working with people, remember two words – mutual benefit. You always get what you give. So when you win, and they win, you win twice.

When dealing with loved ones, always forgive... and when you can't forget, just pretend you have
Hold no grudges. Bitterness is like taking your own poison hoping the other person will die.

Fear; some conquer it. Some are conquered by it. But with no exception, we all experience it.

Life is like a football match. Thirty thousand people will do nothing but sit by the sides cheering, booing, supporting or criticizing. But only 22 people are truly living life playing the game. Ask yourself… which one are you?

That’s all for now…


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