Friday, April 1, 2011

A Treasure On Loan

“Don’t you find it scary?”


“The end of the world… 2012.. With all the shit happening of late.. don’t you think it’s scary?”

“What are you afraid of? We’ve all got to die some day anyway.”

“Yeah… but if its like in the movies and we’ve got nowhere to run to.. man.. it’s going to be crazy.”

“You got to stop watching those crap dude.. But then again, if your time is up and death comes for you, do you really think anyone could run from it?”

“True…. But still… it’s going to be scary.....”

“I guess so…I think the end of the world is always going to be scary. But to some, the end of the world also means the start of something else… something spanning eternity. Ever heard of something like that?”

“Of course… heaven on earth right?”

“mHmmm... a lot of people wait till it’s the end of the world before they start believing in something called God. But by then, it’s too late.”

“No problem... We'll just go to church and repent in December this year. ”

“Erm... maybe it's better before December.”

“And why is that?”

“Well…… because it might end THIS YEAR… “

The point:

Waiting for the end of days the same as waiting for your own death. The timing is irrelevant. People shouldn’t be any more obsessed about the end of the world as they are with their own death. More important than when it’s going to happen, is ARE YOU READY FOR IT? I heard a speech by Steve Jobs once and he said “If you live everyday like it’s your last, eventually you’re going to get it right.” If you died today, if Armageddon was today, go you must, die you will… but will you be doing it WILLINGLY? READILY?

The thought of dying, and the thought of the end of the world scares people because they cling to this world so tightly without realizing that it’s a world that is already decaying anyway. It scares them because this world and this life is all they think they have and they don’t want to lose it.

Life on earth is a gift we all receive. I don’t think anyone will argue with that. But in a sense, although gifted to you, you don’t really own your life anymore than you own the world and all its wealth. We are beings merely passing through.. given a chance to marvel at creation, to be a guardian and steward for a brief time of all things created. Then when our time is up, we pass on the baton to others and we return to the one who brought us there in the first place.


It was never a gift you own.

It’s a treasure on loan.

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