Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If I Die Young

If I Die Young - The Band Perry Mp3

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

If I die young - The Band Perry

I've been listening to this song of late. The lyrics intrigued me in a way I found hard to explain. I researched a bit further, and this is what the author herself said about what the is suppose to mean...

"........ it’s about making the most of whatever time you are given, whether it’s 2 years or 20 years." She goes on to says that even at their young ages they have all lived and loved and if it all ends at this moment, look what they’ve gotten to do. “Whatever time we’re given will be absolutely enough as long as we make the most of it"

Making the most of your life..... that strikes a very deep chord with me.

I wake up many mornings staring myself in the mirror, wondering what all this means...Whether I'm heading the right direction in life.. Whether there is such a thing as a 'right' direction at all. Whether I should perhaps be doing something else. And if I did, then where would it all lead to anyway?

I heard this spectacular speech from Steve Jobs once... and he said one thing "If you live everyday like it was your last, one day, you're going to be right." He also asked "If this was your last day to live, would you still do what you are going to today?"

Powerful question. Sadly, like many of people I know, my answer is seldom a 'yes'. Living everyday like it's your last. A concept understood by many, lived out by not many. We don't live like it's our last day because our human nature is such that we always expect there to be a tomorrow. When things are good, we want there to be a tomorrow, as good as today. When things are bad, we still want there to be a tomorrow, better than today. It's the perpetual spring of hope embedded in our souls. Despite acknowledging the gloom and scepticism of the world, we each secretly hold a very private, very personal hope about our future. Even the  inevitability of death is countered with a hope of life after death.. some through Jesus Christ, some through Muhammad and some through the laws of Karma and reincarnation.

"What's the most important thing to you in your life? What do you think you need to make you happy?" This is a question I have asked more than 2 dozen people over the last six months. Some answer me instantly. Some stare at me blankly. Many answer that it's their family. Many answer it's money. Some answer it freedom. Some say it's personal achievements. A few days respect. Only one person answered God. "... to drop everything and run to Him...." was the amazing answer that left me speechless.

The natural assumption that ties these two questions is this; if this was the last day of life as you knew it, you would spend it doing the thing that matters the most to you. 

What would I be doing if I knew this was the last day of my life on earth? I don't really know. It would defnitely not be what I'm doing now, running a business I have limited interest in, dealing with people I have limited affection for, and providing a service I have limited passion for.

Instead, a picture comes to mind. Of my family, my friends, of the people who mean something to me in my life, all coming together in this one moment...sitting a top a high cliff, full of green grass, overlooking a sandy beach, having a picnic of home made sandwhiches and lemonade, wind blowing against our faces and messing up our hairs...... and laughter..... lots and lots of laughter... as we watch the sunset over the horizon, with rays of light colouring the sky and clouds in a million different hues...

THAT is how I'd spend my last day on earth.

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