Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dumb Phones

"You so need to get a Blackberry man..."

And I just smiled.

Not that I haven't thought about it any more. . I had considered it a while back. After all, smartphones are all the craze these days. It would seem almost everyone has it these days. Today, I talked to someone who was carrying 2 smartphones. Perhaps one just wasn't smart enough.

On one hand, I felt that having a smartphone wasn't really that smart. You have internet connection practically everywhere these days. The data plan itself would cost something you could easily eat a weeks worth of lunches for. The phones itself were pretty expensive (to me anyway). And as with my previous post, I already feel like I'm overconnected to the world as it is.

But on the other hand, I still found those black little berry to be incredibly cool to hold and touch...

Hence, this great debate went on in my head... with me giving myself 101 reasons why I'd be so stupid to get one.. and with me telling my other self that I could reason however much I wanted, I'd still want what I want.

Till I read somewhere online... someone made a statement that he felt smartphones actually made people dumb zombies. Because people with smartphones seem to be perpetually looking at their tiny phone communicating with God knows who on screens even when there are people in the flesh and blood around them, and even when they are at what would probably be the most beautiful place on earth...

And that pretty much settled the arguement for me. I wasn't going to get a smartphone unless it was free.

And it's not like all the phones before that were that dumb.


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