Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sayonara The End

Dear friend,

I am discontinuing this blog. This will be my final post here. I feel compelled to do so for a few reasons.

It's time for a fresh start. They say you change your set of friends every 5 years, give or take a few years. I think what really happens is that your situation in life changes. You move up, or down in your work, you move in, out or away from home, you hook up, break up or end up with someone, you get drawn to new people and drift away from others. Constance seems to be a rarity in life.

Whenever I try to write something here, I find myself stopping. The things I want to write about are no longer the same.(I feel) with the rest of the post on this blog. I have found this to be a clear indication that a change is due.

When i was in college i wrote a lot about my family, specifically my mother. I remember a few people sending me teary emails encouraging me on as i struggled with my mothers mental illness. In many ways, it was me - at the brink of adulthood - but a minor none the less, struggling with the after effects of a broken home and more.

I started this blog after that, writing a lot about love and life in general. It was me, a young adult, struggling with the transition into adulthood, talking a lot about love, thinking a lot about meaning,purpose and direction. I also wrote about marriage, and how I finally tied the knot.

I also started a third secret blog (as if this one wasn't secret enough). You could say it was there that I wrote more openly (and vulgarly) about 'adult' things. When I say 'adult', I basically just mean sex of course. I wouldn't say it was an alter ego, rather a side of me that just needed to be let out. I wrote about sex, sexuality and my own struggles with temptation and dancing with fire.

Amazingly, I've ended up meeting or befriending at least 1 person from every blog that I've started. This considering the fact that I write anonymously and without any effort of promoting it to people. Some i became acquaintances with, others have remained friends and I'd dare say I've even fallen in love (or at least become infatuated) with certain people.

Anyway, I digress.

I find myself in a very different stage in my life now as I said. I'm 27 this year. Married. I own an apartment. I have a mortgage, I have rent to pay, bills upon bills with my name on it and 3 to 4 additional mouths to feed other than my own. I am not who I used to be barely 5 years ago. And the things I will write about from now on will probably not interest whoever it is who first started reading my blog. See what I'm getting at?

I will of course post the link to my new blog (when its finally set up) for those who are bothered to continuing reading this oh-so-obscure little blog.

But I want to thank you, dear reader, for your readership. I'd name you, but I dont know who you are, and those that I do, frankly I dont know if you are still there! Haha... But I do hope you continue following me and sending me all those comments or emails. You have no idea how amazing it feels for a writer to receive kind words from a reader, no matter how simple or short. A persons writing only comes full circle when it is written, then read and then responded to. It is the fuel that keeps the hand on the pen, or in this case, on the keyboard.

Take care my dear friend. See you elsewhere. Sayonara!

Warmest regards

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not been on your blog for quite some time. But it has always brought a certain solace. I do understand a need for change and it’s sad to see you go my friend, I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.
I would like to take this time to thank you, again, for your advice and understanding, when I wrote you so long ago, concerning the death of my fiancé in Afghanistan. I will never know how much your advice helped me overcome that devastating situation.
You are one of Gods angels!
Your friend in Fargo ND - USA