Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Prayer The Night Before...

Dear God,

How will my life turn out from this day on? I have no idea. But you’ve led me this far. It’s only right that I let you lead me on. Thank you for bringing wonderful people into my life. Thank you for hard earned lessons, thank you for grace and forgiveness, thank you for second chances, thank you for love and friendship.

As I start this whole new chapter of my life, please help me. Help me be better than what I have been, help me learn from painful mistakes, so that they aren’t wasted. Help me be the best that I can and should be, for my own sake and for and for the ones I love. Help me still my turbulent heart – let it quiet down and settle. Let it learn peace and contentment. Let it no longer be torn and divided. Help me grow wiser. Help me forgive and love others, just as I have been loved and forgiven by others. Help me learn how to be Godly and righteous, in thought and in action. Let me not want the things I shouldn’t want. Let me want the things I should.

Give me wisdom, give me courage – to be the man I should; as a son, as a brother, and now as a husband.

Lead my heart, and let it be faithful. Let it no longer wander and stray as it so often does. Let it not lust and crave for temporary pleasures… Let it love and care for people and things that matter. Let it learn to love others in the right way, in the right amounts. Let the love that kindles in my heart and in this newly founded marriage be pure.

Teach me how to spend my walking closely to you. Indeed. You have been faithful to me, even when I have not been to you. Give faith and hope to the persons most precious to me. Lord you know who they are, even if they don’t know it themselves. Just like how you have allowed certain people to become a blessing to me in my life, let me also be a blessing to the people around me, so that I may give back even if it’s just in part, what I have received from others.

I believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Sometimes, we find the answers instantly, other times it takes a long while before we do, and sometimes we just never do. But whichever it is, I do believe that You are behind it all; that behind every laugh, every cry, every tear and every song, you are at work.

And with that in mind, whatever happens tomorrow and the for the rest of my life, however things turn out, I leave it all in Your good hands.

In Jesus Christ I pray.



Anonymous said...

Congrats to you groom


Anonymous said...

So today is the Day .
Toutes mes félicitations . Beaucoup de voeux de bonheur à tous les deux .
