Friday, November 26, 2010


You know that feeling of having your hard work and effort all amount to nothing? To have it all go down the drain just like that after having pour out every bit of yourself for a cause? Well, that’s the shitty feeling I’m experiencing right now. Nothing dramatic, just some disappointment I faced recently.

Like a new lover eager to please his new love, I danced and played along and catered to her every whim and fancy. She asked for all sorts of things, made all sorts of demands. But she sprinkled words like ‘you’re so good’ or ‘you’re the best’..always hinting, always luring but never promising. Oh, how eager I was to believe those words, how quick I was to take it all in. How sweet her smile, how friendly her tone. She was all I wanted - the apple of my eye. I did everything she wanted. I gave her everything she asked for. I poured out my heart, my soul, my everything – awaiting the day she’d say to me that I was the one.

Later I realized that I was being ‘taken for a walk along the whole garden path’; meaning everything looks and feels nice, but doesn’t really lead you anywhere. But when you’re in the garden, everything’s nice and dandy; you believe with all your heart that a path this beautiful could only lead to someplace even more beautiful.

Then the silence comes… and the cold shoulder. She stops answering your calls, she doesn’t reply your emails, and she completely ignored you. You start to have doubts. Did I do anything wrong? Was it something I said? Something I did? You have no idea of knowing, but the silence just drives you mad.

And then, the dreaded day comes when you finally receive her phone call…

“I’m sorry… It it’s not you. It’s me. You’re really awesome… but I found someone else, and I really think he’s THE ONE. I’m sure you’ll make someone else really happy… but I’m afraid I’m not that person…”

And as you slowly feel your heart start to crumble into pieces, all you can say at this point is

“F**K YOU B**TCH!”

….… or so you think in your head.

But what you REALLY do (since you’re actually a decent human being), is just put your bravest most graceful smile and say

“It’s OK.. I understand. All the best to you.”…..

And that, ladies and gentleman, is how it feels like to be a sales person losing your first major order / tender.


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