Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reviewing my new years resolution

I'm not one to usually set new year resolutions. In fact, I think this is the first time I have ever did. So, since its now August, I suddenly thought it would be a good time to see how I've done so far. Just for some background:

written back in January. How's it going so far? Lets see:

1. Loose some freaking weight!

Hmm.. I guess for once, I can actually say, so far so good! This time last year, till the end of the year.. I was around 90kg, touching 92kg.. Seriously unfit and out of shape. No confidence, felt fat, yada yada yada... I think most people know how that feels. So even though I knew this was probably the hardest and least likely to be successful, I put it top of my list. I started forcing myself to leave office earlier to go swimming or jogging in the park, even if it was already 8pm, for at least 3 times a week without fail. Did I diet? Hehe.. sorry no. Men are horrible at dieting. But I did significantly cut down on food. Half rice every single time, more proteins, no oily or friend stuff....and tried forgetting when was the last time I ate KFC. Oh, and I threw out the weighing scale. I didn't want to read the difference, I wanted to SEE it for myself. So I just kept this routine up. It made me feel more energetic throughout the day after a while.. and before you know it, I stepped on a brand new weight scale (I had to buy it since I LITERALLY threw the old one out)... I was down to 84kg. I had lost about 8kg since my heaviest! Cloths fit better, and I started feeling better about myself. People say I look younger now.... but I'm wondering "Hey, when do the girls start swooning at the sight of me? What else is this for if not for the ladies right?" haha... perhaps if I lost another 10kgs and did plastic surgery la.... Next milestone, 80kg.

2. Fashion Sense and New Hair Cut

This one's a bit tricky. I still don't think I have much fashion sense. I have tried going out shopping the entire day with my trusty fashion advisor a.k.a other half. She has better taste, and knows the kind of cloths I would wear (or rather the ones I would rather die than wear).. but here's what I found out. Good men's wear is expensive here in Malaysia. Or at least, the kind that I liked were expensive. I've always had a prefence for clean, earthy, minimalist and understated styles. I never wear all those 'lala chai' funky cloths and all. Simple elegant design and colours that look good without coming across as looking cheap or 'cekai'.. Is that so hard to find? Well apparently ya. When I was in the UK, buying men's clothing was so much easier. A lot of the cloths were more tastefully made for men, without being exhorbitantly expensive, or exceedingly tacky. So anyway, I have made a few additions to my wardrobe, but it's still a work in progress.

I got rid of my old spectacles.... and got myself a solid black rimmed spectacles that was supposed to be 'in fashion'. I was worried that I'd look like an owl or justin timberlake in those funny glasses.. but I guess it turned out fine.

New hair cut? Check. Well.. not a significant departure from my old hair... But definitely less Ah Beng... I abandoned the old time indian barber that would cut my hair for RM10 with no questions asked. Sure, the cut was always rough, every cut was at risk of turning out different or looking like a disaster, and the barber's hand sometimes smelt of dhall.. but I'll miss the simplicity of it all.. Come in, sit down, grab your magazine.. Pendek atau panjang? Slop mau? Sideburn potong?... No fancy styling, so debate about whether funky or normal is better, or which one suits your face. At my new hair saloon, it cost 3~4 times more, the guy constantly chatters to me in Cantonese, tries to sell me more hair products (insisting that something is wrong with my hair) and perpetually trying to turn my hair into something more 'lala'... I resist all the time, and the only saving grace here is, in the end, I think he still does a pretty good job la. Looks smart enough for work, refreshing enough for play. But still.. not good enough for girls to come swooning yet.. Oh well...

3. Blog more honestly

Well.. for starters, I did start a new blog with the word 'honest' in it. Does that count? With this new blog, I'm actually starting a clean sheet... and I no longer have that burdensome feeling of whethere or not what I was writing was 'in line' with the previous posts. So, if I want to say fuck off, I'll say it.. If I want to say I cried like a baby during Forrest Gump.. well, I just did actually. The only thing I'm still a bit unsure about is whethere not not to put in writing here the less than decent stuff that ALSO goes through my head. Despite appearances, I'm actually much 'naughtier' than I really seem, and there are things that I have occasionally felt like sharing here (and in previous blog) but abstained (no pun intended) because of the well... X-rated nature of the subject la.... My mom always said I was a cheeky little boy.. Guess mom's always know their children. But perhaps for now, I'll leave those stuff for another time and another place la... So I guess this one's not really achieved.

4. Do crazy stuff

Does changing your hair style and spectacles count? I'm thinking maybe not. Actually I don't really know what crazy stuff to do. Bungee jump, sky dive? I don't think so. Oh!...There was this one time I drank coffee at 2a.m... does that count? *cheeky grin* :p Guess not too. I think maybe I'm not really looking for crazy stuff to do per se, but rather, I'm just wanting to do things I normally would not do if left to my own devices. It's a adverse reaction of being so comfortable in my own skin and in my own ways all these years.

This resolution #4, along with #1~3, are all probably of the same reason. They all involve change in one way or another. Change the way I feel about myself, change the way I look, change the way and the things I write... and in a way. just change thw way I have been behaving all these years. I guess even from the start of the year, I just knew in my heart that this year had to be a year of changes; for better or for worse.

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