Monday, January 24, 2011


There was once upon a time when we were all dreamers. We had small little bodies, funny looking hair and absolutely nothing to call our own in this world. And yet we had big dreams. There was nothing in life too big for us that we could not handle, there was no heights too high we could not reach. We had no strength, no inteligence, no experience, no wealth, no wisdom... but always had our dreams. Some dreamt of cotton candy fields, some dreamt of breezy ocean floors, and some, like me, dreamt of clear blue skies with the sun at the horizon.

We had dreams back then when we were called children.

And then we grew up.... and the larger our bodies grew, the more strength we gain, the more we experience life, the smaller that dream becomes... till eventually, it becomes nothing but a simple cubicle on the 15th floor we called our office. 

Dreams don't belong in the real world. To have dreams is to be lofty, unrealistic and foolish. The world quickly teaches you that your life should be built not on cloudy dreams, but on the firm solid floor of reality. The world teaches you that dreams should be quantified in numbers and figures, deadlines and deliverables. If you're going to have a dream, then dream of the number you want to see in that bank account.

That’s the only dream the world allows you to have.

I stopped dreaming a long time back anyway.. long before I ever became an adult. There was just no time, and I just could not afford it. All I wanted was for everything to be okay.

But I have taken up to dreaming again of late. But this time, with eyes wide open. I dare myself to dream big, to imagine the impossible, to once again believe like a little child that when you dare to dream, it can come true...

Because it can, if only you dare. 

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."
"I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one..." 

- John Lennon


crystalcha28 said...

I dream of a world where no one should have to go to bed feeling underloved, underhugged, and underkissed.

Compulsive Blogger said...

That's a beautiful dream... :-))