Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scratch & Bruises

I bought a new phone for myself today. I finally did it after 2 weeks of debating whether or not I should at all. The old phone one I had finally went kaput. Needless to say, I've been spending half the day tinkering around with my new toy. Holding it gingerly in my hands, I made a pledge to properly take care of this little piece of possession. I vowed to properly preserve and protect it from scratches, falls, direct sunlight, rain, harsh weather and any sort of general misuse, to the best of my ability.

Best of my ability means I'll basically treat it like gold in the first month and start dropping, scratching and throwing it around thereon after.

I'm lousy at keeping taking care of things. Give me a nice shiny, gloss piece of equipment and I'll turn it into something that looked like it got vomited out of a sick goat with half a set of teeth in no time. I remember buying my first camera a few years ago. I swore I'd keep this baby in mint condition for as long as it was mine. Today, it has scratch and bruises everywhere, with dust all accumulated at the edges. Still love it to bits thought. In fact, I feel kind of proud of it. It's the kind of thing you can look at and say "Now THAT's a well used piece of equipment." You just know it isn't there for display only. But then again, some might say "Look at the idiot who owns this camera - doesn't know how to take care of things." If somethings important to you, you take good care of it.

I couldn't agree more.

But here's the thing.

I believe in loving people, and using things. Not the other way around.

People are important to me. Not things.

Broken things are easy to fix. If you can't fix it, you can get a new one

But broken hearts are slow to heal. And we all got only one.

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