Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 2010

Many people around my age lived through our teenage years watching Petronas commercial such as above. Kind of like how advertisements were some of the memorable things Americans during the Super Bowl, watching a Petronas commercial nearing festive seasons or national holidays have become part and partial of the festive experience here. Most of it never ceased to touch the hearts of the people, often emphasizing & reminding us of our core values that make living in Malaysia such a rich and beautiful experience. I guess we owe a lot to Yasmin Ahmad, who was behind many of these advertisements. Most of her stories were simple in nature, yet they often manage to transcend the heart and cut through our defenses, reminding us what being human beings, and being Malaysia should really be about.

I watched all the Chinese New Year commercial that Petronas made over the past 10 years... and the theme have always and ever been the same; filial piety. I know I've written about it before.. but here I go again.

Everyone understands what it means to love and honour your parents. And I guess to many people will have no problem understanding the message in this short video. What I wonder is if those of you out there who aren't chinese really understand why this really hits home for Chinese folk. Even among my Chinese friends, I suspect many of us English speaking / educated ones do not formally know it's significance. But gladly, I think the folks who made these commercials didn't fail to miss it. It sure wasn't by accident that for 10 years running, almost all the advertisement were about parents / old folks and the reunion dinner.

There are a hundred and one different values the chinese of ancient days embraced.. industriousness, hard work, honestly, courtesy, but the first and most important virtue was still Filial Piety. So important was it that they even became law in some dynasties. It was practically a crime not to honour your parents. THAT's why the advertisements have been the same all these years, and THAT's why it never fails to hit home to many of us chinese folk. It's considered the epitome of Chinese culture. Kind of like how loving God and loving your neighbour is the epitome of the Christian faith.

Subconsciously, many Malaysian Chinese pride themselves on being intelligent and capable people who not only equal, but exceed the achievements of our majority fellow citizens despite being given no favours by the government. The fact they hold the a bigger share of the country's wealth despite the smaller numbers is a source of unspoken pride. And many Chinese subconsciously work hard to maintain this edge even till today..... by working hard, chasing the dollar. We hold in high regard the industriousness of hard working people, unafraid to 吃苦.... literally translated... EAT BITTER... meaning unafraid of hardship.

I think in some ways, we've carried this a bit too far, almost putting aside the very first virtue of filial piety. And what better time to be reminded of it than on the eve of the reunion dinner; a time when family are expected to gather around one another in love and fellowship. A time when all the industrious, successful, money chasing children return to their roots and pay respects to their parents, not with their money, but with their presence. A lesson they themselves need to teach their children one day.

Anyway, I won't go on and on anymore. Happy Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it. I'd wish you Gong Xi Fa Chai.... but I think we need to start looking at higher things rather than just money... So go be with your family and loved ones this around k. Sometimes, when the chips are down and times are hard, they are all you have.... and in a way, all you need.

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