Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why the Modern Man Must Die...

Being a guy in this day and age is kinda tough if you ask me.

I think it used to be enough for a man to be honest, sincere and hardworking to be considered a 'catch'. Had a decent job, knew how to fix things around the house and never shied away from making important decisions. Never mind if he was a man of few words, unsophisticated, incapable of functioning in social settings or even a tad insensitive. A man was a man, crude perhaps but practical and dependable; no one expected any more or less from a man.

But the modern man of today is often depicted (thus expected) to be so much more. It is what we are told is now the 'desirable' thing to be if you want to be on the secret list of 'good catches' women seem to privately keep. The last term I ever heard coin for men and how they're supposed to be was 'metrosexual'... whatever the hell that's supposed to imply. I don't know what magazines are calling the modern man these days.

But he's supposed to be a man in the most traditional sense of the word; knowledgeable, wise, authoritative, firm, steady and dependable, YET kind, gentle, sensitive, caring, emotionally mature, selfless, gregarious and socially adept at the same time. Am I the only one who thinks this is next to impossible?

The modern man is supposed to know how to groom himself, dress well, have a sense of style but still capable of getting his hands dirty fixing your household appliances, throw out the trash or repair your clogged up toilet. He drinks gourmet coffee and listens to jazz & classical music, but can tell you which is the radiator and which is the alternator in your car. He's supposed to be refined and learned gentleman that never resorts to violence but still knows how to throw a decent punch if it came down to it. He's doesn't squirm when experiencing pain but is expected to be able to talk about his feelings and perhaps even cry. He's supposed to be manly and rugged enough to sport a rough beard, tight jeans and body hugging shirt but still wear pink. He's supposed to be familiar with fine wines, Renaissance artworks and Mark Twain quotes but still capable of sitting in the mamak watching an EPL match with the guys and know all the MU players by heart. In a nut shell, he's supposed to be a man in the most traditional sense, but fully in aware in in tune with his 'softer' more 'feminine' side. Am I the only one who thinks such a guy simply does not exist? 

But... on the off hand, who knows.. these breed of pedigree men do exist. If you do know such a guy......well..... good for you. But the for the sake of the rest of the male population, please murder him for me. If you ARE such a guy, that's really great dude. We should hang out some time. But now, I'mma gonna hav'ta kill'ya man. You aren't allowed to exist.

Else the ladies will start expecting us to behave like you. Geddit?

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