Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Prayer

I read somewhere once that God is better at answering our prayers than we are at making them. That He knows what's in your heart long before you kneel down and pray. That when praying, you don't really need any words, because God knows exactly what's in your heart... and what's in our hearts often transcend words.

Have you ever felt like that? Like words, with in all its richness in vocabulary and grammar and syntax still cannot fully express what we feel inside? I believe that's how and why songs first came about. They help us express in melody and tone what words alone cannot do.

I have felt that way quite a few times in my life... when words were simply not enough. So much so you just end up saying nothing.

Anyway, I said a prayer last. (which is a rare thing really). But it was a prayer without words.

I'm kinda hoping that in my silence, He will know better than me what exactly is in my heart.. becase frankly, I sometimes I just have no idea...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why do you believe in God?