Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sick.. :-(

I'm sick. Damn. Been sleeping practically the whole day. I sent my boss a message telling him I'm cancelling my trip to Singapore and that I'm going on MC. He told me to get lots of rest.... or drink lots of beer. The guy can be real funny sometimes.

I went to the clinic to get some medicine and the records show that the last time I was there was 28th July 2009. That was last year. One day before my birthday actually. I remembered that. Seems I have a habit of falling around this time.

I hate the way I fall sick. It's seldom the kind where I'm so weak I can't get out of bed, but it's also not the kind where I can function without actually making an effort. It's medical limbo I tell you. The good thing is, I pride myself for generally being in good health. I hardly fall sick more than once a year. This would be my first (and hopefully last) sick day.

There's also this guilt conscience thing going on with me. Everything I ask the doctor for an MC, I start feeling guilty... as if I'm playing truant from work. This happens even though I'm fully aware that a. I AM sick... and b. This only happens like.... once a year. I don't know why I'm like that. Is it some sort of sense of duty? Of leaving your post when it's your responsiblity? Something like that I guess.......

I think I'm one of those guys that if there was a woman around, I'd totally start playing the pity card and get her to care for me. I can't pull off the big eyed puppy face (cuz my eyes are so small), but I do pull of a pretty decent 'Look-at-ne-I'm-so-sick-I-so-need-you-now' tone. Which usualy works because it's in their natural instinct for women to nurture & care for other people... especially if it's for big bruly egoistic men who under normal circumstance would never admit their weakness. I also think my body and mind have this conspiracy going on... to not fall sick during the times that are critical but only when things are less busy and it's ok to be missing for a few days... preferably on public holidays and weekends when no medical leave is required.

My back is hurting (for having slept all day), my eyes feel like their going to burst out, my nose is running like a tap, and I'm pretty much flying through this post writing whatever comes to my mind without so much as a filter. And at the top of my mind are these totally random stuff:

1. I think the thermometer that was put in my mouth wasn't washed.
2. Blogger has a 'stats' page now.
3. It's bloody hard to find good popiah (springroll) these days.
4. How do you define a burger from a Sandwich?
5.If you can't have your cake and eat it, why don't you just buy two?

It's totally weird that 3 out of 5 of these thoughts involve food, because frankly, my taste buds are gone and my appetite is missing.

I also think that there might be an oxygen deficiency in my brain, resulting in this most random, unstructured, disjointed post... which I guess is a sign that I should stop now and go back to sleep.

So good night worlds....... wordl.... wrodl....W.O.R.L.D....

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