Thursday, September 3, 2009

Leading up to the Confrontation

The phone rings.. It's my brother calling.

"You busy? Can talk for a while?"

"A bit.. but ya go ahead. How was the appointment with the doctor? Everything went ok?"

"Yeah... Everything went well. The doctor was very friendly. Even praise her for her good english. We had a nice lunch and I just dropped her back. You're going to see her later for dinner right?"

"Ya. Sorry I couldn't make it. But I definitely want to see her tonight. I need to talk to her."

"Ya, that's what I'm calling you for. Are you going to scold her?"

"................................... erm. What?"

"She's scared you're going to be angry at her over and scold her. Are you?"

"................. No... Well, yes, maybe a little, if I need to get my point through."

(Do I really come across as being so pissed off and scary? I thought I was always the nice guy?)

"Don't scold her la... She doesn't mean any harm.. and she's just being honest and sincere. Give her a chance to talk and hear what she has to say....."

"I know... And I'm not about to just go and scold her. I just want to talk to her.. I will listen to what she has to say... But there are things I need to say to her too.. Things I am sure she hasn't thought about. Anyway, I'm working. I'll talk to you later about this, before I see her."

"OK, make sure you call me... and remember, don't scold her OK."

(What are you now, her patron saint or something?)

"OK, I will call you. I won't scold her la... I'm just going to talk to her...."



It was a spit second decision. I spoke to my brother the night before, and I said to him, I'm going. I'm going to come straight from work to pick her up.. I want to talk to her... that's all I said.

I now understood that she was apprehensive of me coming just so suddenly. She was scared of me.. scared of what I might have to say, scared that I might rebuke her for trying to pressure my brother into letting her stay while I was not around.

Oh.. I was going to give her a piece of my mind alright... Definitely.

It's not like I was going to eat her alive or start screaming at her. But I was definitely not going to mince my words. I had thought about nothing else the night before.. and also throughout my day. I was mentally prepared. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, exactly what I wanted to make her see...

I still didn't know what to do about this whole thing heart still felt like it was in a messed.. full of turmoil, full of conflict....but somehow after a while, I at least knew where to start.....

It had to start by confronting my mother.

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