Monday, August 2, 2010


If you think you’ve just screws you life up, if you feel like you’ve just make a silly mistake in your life, if you’re haunted by a decision you now think was the wrong one, this is for you.

I just want you to know……

You did not screw up.
It was not a mistake.
And the decision wasn’t wrong
Even if it feels like it is for you right now.

You jumped into the unknown
You took a leap
You did not know where it might lead,
Or how things might end up,
You weren’t just taking a risk
You were taking a chance on life…

Don’t let people say it was silly.
It takes a person with courage
To pursue something that has no guarantees.
Maybe you feel it was a waste.
But know this
Not all who chase dreams are fools.
Not all who lose are failures.

Life’s a funny kind of teacher.
It first gives you the homework to do.
Then teaches you the lesson – but only at the end.
That’s why things only seem to make sense in hindsight.
If things still don’t make sense yet.
It means there’s still something to learn.

Believe it or not,
This moment was meant for you.
You are exactly where you were meant to be.
If there is one mistake people often make,
It is in believing that we’re in charge of our lives.

I think deep down we all know.. 
That though in his heart man plans his course,
It is God who determines his steps.
And I believe that this God that keeps the sparrow
He will not abandon you in your sorrow.
So take heart, and do not despair.
Wherever you may go, He is there...

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