Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Unseen Flaws

I just want to say something to the wide wide world out there tonight.

I want to say.. that I'm not all that. That all the good impression you have of me? Well, they aren't entirely true. All the respect you seem to have for me? They aren't entirely deserved. All the good things you seem to think I am, I am not. You believe so because you see me from the outside. You see me at my finest, you watch me at my best. You think I'm such a fine person because you haven't seen my real flaws just yet. Because the flaws I have are the kinds that are often unseen, and hard to spot. The sins I commit are often subtle and hard to decipher. And a flaw that is well hidden and cleverly blended in often stays.... perhaps permanently. I have many of such flaws - you will see them if you know me for who I truly am.

Maybe one day, I'll pluck up enough courage to actually explain this to you. But I hope I won't have to. I hope that you will discover them on your own... That you may see me at my best and at my worst and understand it without me needing to say a word.

And I hope that when that day comes...

you will still love me and accept me for what I am.

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