Sunday, August 22, 2010

Some Courage Too

Seems just like yesterday he came knocking on my door needing a place to stay. Seems just like yesterday that all those awkward heart to hearts happened.

It all seemed just like yesterday....

Suddenly there he sits in the hosptital bed trying to thank me again for doing all this. God knows what would have happened if we didn't act sooner. I could sense that there was some fear in him.... of being like this for the rest of his life. Stroke wasn't something you recovered from so easily.. not at his age anyway.

But I think I was more terrified than him. How am I going to pay for all these medical bills? How are we to take care of him if he doesn't recover? Where am I going to find the money? I still haven't the slightest idea. It's scary when you don't know how you're going make things work... but only that you must.

I smile at him and patted his shoulder. "No problem dad... no thanks needed. Don't worry. You'll be out in no time."

I left after he fell asleep. It had been a long hard day... a long hard week for the matter. I needed a few things before finally going home. Some bread. A roll of cellophane tape. Some courage too..


Anonymous said...

What keep you strong and still hang on to life ?


Compulsive Blogger said...

Hmmm... tough question

Many days, I don't feel strong at all. In fact, I feel very weak and vulnerable a lot of times. It just doesn't show that obviously in real life. Scarier still when you find people looking to YOU for strength and support.

But I guess if I really had to list down the things that keep me hanging can be summarize in three simple words....

1 Corinthians 13:13.

These are the 3 most powerful words you will ever come across in your life. And understanding the full meaning behind it not only changes your life, but sustains it.

P/S: You know POD, I'm realy so surprised (and pleased) that you still drop by my blog. As you can see, there aren't any juicy stuff here to read.. You really must email me some day... :-)