Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Invisible Wings, Fly Me Away

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I'm in one of those moods today. Can't seem to find the words to describe it. But it feels and reads pretty much like this song. It's a song by Zhang Shao Han @ Angela Zhang called Yin Xing De Chi Bang or literally....Invisible Wings. I don't listen to a lot of chinese songs. But sometimes, some are really really beautiful.. not to mention poetic. This one is sad but hopeful song. The kind you'd sing to yourself as you thread along a long dark tunnel. Your eyes fixed on the light at the end. You know you're going to make it. You know you will reach the end, it's just not time yet. You know you need to journey on. But right here, right now, you need courage, you need strength, but mostly, you need hope... and so you have songs like this. The lyrics don't sound quite as poetic or beautiful when translated into English.. but in mandarin, it really is very beautiful. You'll just have to take my word on that.

每一次 都在 徘徊孤單中堅強
[I put up a strong front whenever I'm wandering in loneliness]
每一次 就算很受傷也不閃淚光
[I don't blink tears when I feel hurt]
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
[I know I always have a pair of invisible wings]
帶我飛 飛過絕望
[That will let me fly, that will let me fly over this feeling of hopelessness]

不去想 他們 擁有美麗的太陽
[I'm not going to think what beautiful suns they have]
我看見 每天的夕陽也會有變化
[The evenings that I see change everyday]
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
[I know I always have a pair of invisible wings]
帶我飛 給我希望
[That will let me fly, that will give me hope]

我終于 看到 所有夢想都開花
[I've finally seen that all my dreams have blossomed]
[The sounds of the young songs I'd chased have all become clear]
我終于 翱翔 用心凝望不害怕
[I've finally soared; I have heart and I've concentrated; I'm not scared]
[I'll fly wherever the wind blows me]

隱形的翅膀 讓夢恒久比天長
[These invisible wings have made my dreams permanent (realities) that will exist longer than time]
留一個愿望讓自己 想象
[I'll leave myself a wish, so that I may imagine...]

每一次 都在 徘徊孤單中堅強
[I put up a strong front whenever I'm wandering in loneliness]
每一次 就算很受傷也不閃淚光
[I don't blink tears when I feel hurt]
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
[I know I always have a pair of invisible wings]
帶我飛 飛過絕望
[That will let me fly, that will let me fly over this feeling of hopelessness]

不去想 他們 擁有美麗的太陽
[I'm not going to think what beautiful suns they have]
我看見 每天的夕陽也會有變化
wo kan jian mei tian de xi yang ye hui you bianhua
[The evenings that I see change everyday]
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
[I know I always have a pair of invisible wings]
帶我飛 給我希望
[That will let me fly, that will give me hope]

我終于 看到 所有夢想都開花
[I've finally seen that all my dreams have blossomed]
[The sounds of the young songs I'd chased have all become clear]
我終于 翱翔 用心凝望不害怕
[I've finally soared; I have heart and I've concentrated; I'm not scared]
[I'll fly wherever the wind blows me]

隱形的翅膀 讓夢恒久比天長
[These invisible wings have made my dreams permanent (realities) that will exist longer than time]
留一個愿望讓自己 想象
[I'll leave myself a wish, so that I may imagine...]

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