Thursday, March 11, 2010

Retro Music a.k.a the Oldies

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Some people give me the funny look when they step into my car and hear what's playing on my CD.

"Why are you listening to these sort of songs?" they'd ask. They wonder what a guy in his twenties would be doing listening to songs that might as well be from the 20s. They give me a funny look as if I were some 80 year old soul trapped in a younger body.... Why else would he be listening to these.... these... OLDIES.....

But honestly, I don't know what the heck they are talking about.

It's not oldies to me. How can it be, when I'm only just listening & discovering them for the first time in my life? It's new to me. 'New'-dies if you ask me (coined that myself.. haha). Doesn't matter if it was written 5, 50 or 500 years ago. There's no real 'expiry date'. Good songs never go bad if you ask me. They just get forgotten. Which is why I listen to these old sometimes; to do my part in preserving these great music heritage. It'd be too much of a waste if really awesome songs get forgotten over the generations, overwritten by latest 'hip' songs singing about no more than shaking your booty like there's no tomorrow.

So, the next thing you sit in my car, and you find me listening to the kind of songs your mum and dad used to do, think 40 years into the future.... wouldn't you want someone to still remember all the awesome songs of our generation?

After all, I thought going retro was supposed to be cool? So lets all DO THE HUSTLE!! Haha....


P/S: Check out these inmate doing the hustle!

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