Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Better Man

Why does everyone like to think they are so special? I never get it when people try to be different for the sake of being different. If you do that, you aren't really different at all - you're just trying to be. And what's wrong with being ordinary? What's wrong with being plain, simple and utterly unremarkable in any way whatsoever? Why does the word mediocre come with so many bad connotations?

You know how they say man are all born equal? Well, we all learn soon enough that some are born more equal than others. We all find that some are better than others in certain things. We call them 'talented', 'gifted'.... Nothing wrong with that really... there is no crime in being good at something.... But lets admit it - if there's anything about people who are good, is that an arrogance is born of knowing that we are better than others. We're all good at something, and usually we're proud of it. We don't go around boasting, acting like we're all that... not all of us anyway. But we do take pride that we are better than others in some things.

Faster, smarter, more capable, more creative..... It's always one of these things we measure against each other..... that we're better in some ways...But I don't care much for the talented, intelligent, capable or brilliant. These people are better at what they do... but they aren't necessarily better people.

I'm a simpleton. There is only one worldly achievement I envy people.... that is happier. A happy man knows something that completely eludes a so called 'talented & superior' man.

Find me a man who knows how to be happy in life, and I will follow him to death.

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