Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Want to Live...

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Good morning world....

You hear that music? You hear the drums beating?

Today, that's my song.. today my heart beats to that rhythm.

A strong solid thumping that sends the blood in blood running that bit faster.

There's plenty to be upset about, there's plenty to sulk about. Last night as I tucked myself into bed, I found myself thinking about many of the major mistakes I have made in my life. Of course I call them mistakes now because of how they didn't turn out well. I wondered if I knew then what I knew now, would I have done things differently. But that's the thing - the benefit of hindsight always comes after it's too late. I wondered if I should make a few phone calls.. to explain & apologize for the things I did or didn't do. I feel asleep halfway through recollecting who and what I did a wrong against.

But when I woke up, I felt different. The rest did me a lot of good. I walked up to the window and drew the curtains wide open, allowing the sunlight to flood the room. A new day, a new hope. You can't spend your life forever pandering over the sins of the past. Respect your past, hope for your future, but live your life in the present. I decided trying to dig up old stories in attempt to apologize wasn't the way forward. I'd probably get proper closure f I did, but it'd also bring up a painful memories & hurt for all concerned. Completely unnecessary.

I showered and got dressed. Stuffed the ear phones in my head and walked out the door. I was keen to get the day started, keen to get going... keep on living, making more 'mistakes' if I had to. I scrolled down my playlist looking for a song that will get me going that would galvanize me for the rest of the day, and voila, here's The Animal Song by Savage Garden.


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