Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Greed We Trust

“A Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one I feed," is the reply.”- Native American Proverb
The greed of man. They make me sick. They leave me a nasty aftertaste every time they sing their support in spirit of fairness, cooperation & teamwork. They tell you they only want to help you and do you a favour since they’re such ‘giving’ people. And help you they do. They smoothen the path, take down the barriers & make things go your way. You look good. They look good. Everybody wins. And then, it’s time to pay the piper. It’s called kickback. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. I kicked the ball your way. Now it’s time to kick some back to me.

I’ve seen the eye(s) of greed. It hides behind faces that look just like yours and mine. They talk and laugh just like you and I. They condemn crooks, thieves and cheaters just like you and I. But beneath that well polish public persona, is someone who traded in righteousness, honour and dignity for cold hard cash. Never mind if the livelihood of others gets ruined. Never mind if others suffer on your account. Others already got their cut, now it’s my turn. Let someone else be the morally upright. I just want my money.

I can’t help but feel the irony. It’s the people who have more that want more. The man on the ground, living a simple day to day life has so much less - but does not scheme, cheat or double cross. He does not secretly broker deals for ‘kickback’. He earns his keep honestly & humbly from with his own bare hands. His only concern is to be treated fairly, and with dignity. Dignity - the one and only priceless thing he holds. He looks up to the man above him, in respect & awe. He recognizes their superiority. Younger yes, but intelligent, eloquent, capable, and with so much potential – the kind man he hopes his own son will be some day. Little does he know what lurks in the hearts of these ‘bright young men’. He doesn’t know of their lustful pursuit of money & power. He doesn’t see the wonton greed in their eyes.

The worst part of it is – it spreads. Their greed breeds more greed. Others see what’s happening, and they are shaken. They let go of their own principles. Everyone’s getting some, everyone’s doing it. If I don’t do it, I’m just being stupid. Don’t be a fool - this isn’t the age of honour & trust. We’re not wearing coat of arms, and we aren’t knights in shining armour. It’s the modern age – people look up to wealth, money, power. These days, respect is gain from success, not virtue. Look at the man on the ground. Every tiny cent earned from sweat and toil. Just look how far that got him. Does anyone look up to him & respect him? Is he giving orders or taking it? Honesty the best policy? Come on. Get real.

I sit at the side, quietly observing as the two men meet. They exchange pleasantries.

One thinks the other is the kind of man all men should strive to be, if they’re smart enough.

The other thinks this one is the kind all men should never be, if they’re smart enough.

And I can’t help but think how wrong the both of them are. It should be the other way.

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