Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pardon my French....

Pardon my french people......

I'm so f**king pissed off right now!

Something is f**king wrong when your typical day at work consist of reading, replying and responding to 100 emails PER DAY. That means that if I'm out of office for 2 days, I have 200 f**king emails to read, plus another 100 yet to receive on that day.

Then, your boss tells you to go lunch with him, sits there for 2 f**king hours and tells you you should so f**king work through the entire weekend on some things he wants done because they are so f**king important, and we're all f**king screwed if we don't have it ready by Monday. Then, your colleague who's f**king twice your age, draws twice your f**king salary, but has half your brain power comes bugging you for the tenth f**king time on how to scan a f**king paper document to email. Doesn't help that even standing 3 feet away, I can still smell his f**king bad breath and I have to ask him to repeat his sentence 3 f**king times because I can't f**king understand his f**king accent.

You then realize it's 6.30p.m., it's almost time go home, and you haven't even done a single f**king thing you were supposed to because you were too caught up listening to your f**king boss and helping your f**king colleague. You then get even more pissed off because you just f**king know that 20 additional emails on top of the 100 will be coming in the morning over the emails you were supposed to reply today but didn't. You then think, perhaps you need to continue your work at home after dinner which just makes you scream "F**K!! I didn't sign up for this!" You then think about how the Christmas holidays have long come and gone, and the boss is still sitting on your f**king bonus, which you were so f**king depending on to get you through the f**king holiday spending which left you so f**king broke. And you think "Aaarrghhh! Forget it, I don't want your f**king bonus anymore. The Beatles sang that all you need is love anyway." Then you f**king realize you aren't getting any f**king love anyway, and even if you do, love doesn't f**king pay the bills. F**K!!

You then realize you are again the last f**king person still having his sorry ass in office.  You wonder why the hell you are busting your ass working like this... and realize it's because you don't have any f**king thing better to do, because you don't have a f**king LIFE. THAT'S WHY. You then think maybe you should just forget everything and everyone, sell everything you own (which you realize isn't worth much at all), buy a ticket to China, find a nice and simple village girl to marry, and spend the rest of your life planting potatoes. Yes, POTATOES. Along the way, you also wonder why the f**k didn't you do a bit more crazy and stupid things when you were a teenager, because at least then, you could come up with good excuses; you were messed up, you were confused, or you were just so f**king stupid.... anything goes man.

You then remember that in many cases, people still remain stupid anyway, regardless of age. Age seemed to have very little to do with your ability to contract this disease of stupidity. Case in point would be your idiotic colleague who bugged you earlier. A smile then comes across your face. "I don't NEED a f**king excuse to behave stupid! Look at HIM! He's stupid ALL THE TIME, and even he got a job!! Hahahaha....." you tell yourself as the lightbulb goes off in your head. So you then decide "I ain't doing any f**king work tonight. I'm packing up, and I'm going to go jogging in the park. You had your shoes and your shorts ready in the car since morning anyway.

And after a round of cursing to yourself, you leave office, feeling that bit better than before. It's a miracle what learning a bit of french can do for your moods.

1 comment:

Cat Cat said...

I'm sorry EH, you're having a bad day. F*ck all those people out there. Tell them to get a life. F*ck off!

Pardon my French too.