Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Never Alone

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I first heard this song around 8 months ago when someone quoted it to me in a Christmas card. I know I've already posted this song here before, but I was just listening to it over and over again today (I tend to do that)... thinking about a great many things.

Do you ever find that you can't help but think of specific things or specific people whenever a certain song comes along? I don't know if it's like that for anyone else, but for me there are often specific memories embedded in individual songs. And this song had a whole chapter of heartbreaking, hopeful and humbling events associated with it.

I tend to get very into things that I enjoy and  a sense of mixed feelings come over me every time I close my eyes and listen to this song. A tinge of sadness, a honest word of caution, a loving offer of comfort and a general sense of hope sort of sprinkles itself throughout the song. For many reasons (personal & general), this song has become rather special to me. It's the kind of song with words that, were they yours, you'd say only to someone really special... someone who meant something to you.. someone you truly and honestly care about.

At least that's what I think.

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