Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pains of a Writer

The thing about writing is.. you've got to strike when the iron is hot.

Sometimes, in the middle of my day be it during a shower, driving, having lunch or picking my nose, I get a flash of brilliance. Rather like a string of thought and words about a subject matter. It's like your mind is just mulling over an issue without having any particular thought.. and suddeny... everything crystallizes, clouds are lifted for a while... and for that few moments, you suddenly gain insight..... and you are able to put in a very definable, coherent way, exactly what you're feeling, exactly what you think, exactly what you mean. They string together in some brilliant sentence of enlightenment that you privately think in your heart deserve to be quoted alongside the likes of Mark Twain or Winston Churchill or Gandhi...

There's no stopping the flow of thoughts. One sentence builds upon another and before you know it, there are whole paragraphs ready to be spewed out from your mind.... You know its fleeting, you know it needs to be captured before it is lost forever in the recesses of your mind.

And that's when you usually realize you don't having anything to write it all down with. I need a pen! I need a laptop! I need to write it down! And you try to get your hands on anything to just start scribbling down what could possibly be the quote of the century..........

But when you finally sit in front of the computer, ready to jot down all you knew you had to say... nothing comes. The rush is over. The words have come and gone.. and you find yourself writing half baked versions of what you originally had in your mind which doesn't really satisfy at all.

Ever had that? I believe it's one of the pains of being someone passionate about writing.

In other words... maybe I should get an I-Pad.



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