Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Heart

I need a new heart.

One that doesn't wander.
One that doesn't covet.
One that doesn't have secret desires
One that doesn't dream so much.
One that doesn't hope so blindly
One that doesn't believe so easily.
One that doesn't search so far.
One that doesn't dig so deep.
One that doesn't scream so loud
One that doesn't hurt so bad
One that doesn't care so much.

One that is stronger.
One that is tougher.
One that is unbreakable
One that is focused.
One that is whole.
One that is pure.
One that is good.

Take this heart of mine and make it yours.

My heart is yours to keep my love, my companion, my brother, my mum, my father, my friend, my God...Take it, and do what you will to it... I give it freely. It is safer in your hands, you who love me, you who care for me, you whom I trust will do me no harm.. Better held in your keep than in mine. I trust not my fragile heart with my own shaky hands but instead............. in your steady love.

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